Congressional Affairs at CSIS

As a bipartisan think tank, CSIS strives to provide a platform for leaders in Congress to engage with the broader policy community on issues affecting U.S. national security and foreign affairs

Expert Support for Congress

For more than 50 years, CSIS has prioritized outreach to Members of Congress and their staff to provide in-depth, strategic analysis and guidance from the world’s leading experts in defense and security policy, global challenges, and regional studies.

Through speaking events, topical briefing series, participation in policy conferences, and membership on commissions and task forces, CSIS helps leaders in Congress effectively engage the broader policy community.

CSIS’s expertise in providing  grounded, actionable, and bipartisan policy solutions uniquely positions CSIS to help Congress address the national security, development, and foreign policy challenges facing the United States. A key element of our engagement with Congress is through congressional testimony.

CSIS Provides:

  • A bipartisan platform from which members of Congress can powerfully engage the wider policy community
  • In-office briefings from top policy experts with government, academic, and field experience
  • Staff-focused policy discussions
  • Commentaries, Critical Questions, and other timely analysis on current issues
  • In-depth reports with realistic policy recommendations
  • Testimony
  • Opportunities for Members and staff to participate in CSIS events, projects, and initiatives

Do you want to contact a CSIS expert? Are you interested in CSIS public or private events for Members of Congress and staff? Reach out to our team!

Are you a congressional staff wanting to contact a CSIS expert? Are you interested in CSIS public or private events for Members of Congress and staff? Connect with our team!

Chloe Himmel
Director, Congressional and Government Affairs
Christian Hyde
Program Manager, Congressional and Government Affairs
Daniel Bengard
Program Coordinator, Congressional and Government Affairs

Featured Analysis



The Past, Present, and Future of U.S. Assistance to Ukraine: A Deep Dive into the Data

Since Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine in February 2022, Congress passed four spending packages, totaling $113 billion in economic, humanitarian, and military aid. This piece does a deep dive into what the United States has appropriated for Ukraine to date.

Critical Questions by Elizabeth Hoffman, Jaehyun Han, and Shivani Vakharia — September 26, 2023