Countdown to Nigeria’s Elections
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Elections have always been high-stakes affairs in Nigeria, but the buildup to the 2015 elections has been accompanied by unprecedented levels of tension and anxiety. Two closely matched parties—the People’s Democratic Party (PDP) of President Goodluck Jonathan and the opposition All Progressives Congress (APC) led by General Muhammadu Buhari—appear confident of securing victory. Inflammatory rhetoric and violence have already marred the campaign period, and a six-week postponement of the polls, ostensibly to better secure the country’s North East against the predations of Boko Haram, has deepened the opposition’s distrust in the integrity of the process. It is still possible for Nigeria to build upon the democratic progress made in 2011, but in order to do so, all the main stakeholders must perform with diligence, professionalism, integrity, and—above all—respect for the process and Nigeria’s democratic future.