CSIS European Trilateral Track II Nuclear Dialogue: 2014 Consensus Statement
While the United States, United Kingdom, and France often meet bilaterally with one another, they rarely meet in a trilateral forum, officially or unofficially, to discuss nuclear issues. In an effort to increase trilateral nuclear interaction, the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) established a group of high-level "Track 2" participants in 2009 to discuss nuclear issues and identify areas of consensus between the countries.
Each year, the CSIS Trilateral Dialogues meets in London, Paris, and Washington. Senior officials from all three governments also attend. The meetings are co-chaired by CSIS Senior Adviser Clark Murdock and Non-Resident Senior Adviser Franklin Miller. Angela Weaver, Program Coordinator, provides general support to the project.
To help demonstrate the consensus developed across meetings, the CSIS Trilateral Nuclear Dialogues will periodically release consensus statements on important nuclear issues that are signed by all of the Track 2 participants in agreement with the paper. In 2009, the Dialogues produced a consensus statement on a common P3 approach on nuclear non-proliferation, energy use, disarmament and material security. In 2010, the group produced a statement on the role of P3 nuclear weapons in May and a statement about the role of nuclear weapons in NATO’s security in September 2010. In 2011, the Dialogue produced a statement on the “appropriate mix” of forces in NATO. In 2012, the group agreed to a wide-ranging statement on NATO and defense spending, Iran, Russia, Asia, and deterrence in the 21st century. In 2013, the group focused on NATO and the Elimination of Nuclear Weapons, the NPT Regime, Red Lines, Ultimatums and Other Forms of Coercive Diplomacy, and Multidimensional Deterrence. In 2014, the group released consensus on the crisis in Russia and Ukraine, NATO nuclear policy, engaging the younger generation in NATO, P3 cooperation on nuclear strategy and policy, North Korean developments, and the upcoming 2015 NPT Review Conference.
This publication results from research supported by the Naval Postgraduate School's Project on Advanced Systems and Concepts for Countering Weapons of Mass Destruction (PASCC) via Assistance Grant/Agreement No N00244-13-1-0024 awared by the NAVSUP Fleet Logistics Center San Diego (NAVSUP FLC San Diego). The views expressed in written materials or publications, and/or made by speakers, moderators, and presenters, do not necessarily reflect the official policies of the Naval Postgraduate School nor does mention of trade names, commerical practices, or organizations imply endorsement by the U.S. Government.