Indian State Priorities for Health Innovation Partnerships


Many international institutions—universities, foundations, companies, NGOs, and governments—would like to engage more deeply with the government of India to improve health outcomes. However, a lack of transparency, changing state-level priorities, and the absence of a single venue to learn about engagement opportunities holds back many potential partnerships.
The Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) Wadhwani Chair in U.S.-India Policy Studies and Duke University’s Innovations in Healthcare have launched the “Indian States Health Innovation Partnership” to address this information gap and encourage subnational health care cooperation between Indian government entities and external partners. The primary goal of this project is to strengthen health outcomes in India by methodically identifying which Indian states are ripe for innovative partnerships with international institutions and broadcasting these opportunities publicly to spur future partnerships. In the first phase of this project, the team developed a clearer picture of India’s state-level health care reform priorities and identified specific areas for potential partnership across four categories: capacity building, organizational delivery, financing, and specific health conditions. 

Project Directors:                                           Authors:
Rick Rossow                                                     Nicole Davis
Kartikeya Singh                                               Christa Twyford Gibson
Krishna Udayakumar                                      Jonathan Gonzalez-Smith

This report was made possible by the generous support of Hans Foundation and Ford Foundation. 

Kartikeya Singh
Senior Associate (Non-resident), Energy Security and Climate Change Program and Chair on India and Emerging Asia Economics