National Technology and Industrial Base Integration

How to Overcome Barriers and Capitalize on Cooperation

In light of Section 881 of the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2017, which expanded the legal definition of the National Technology and Industrial Base (NTIB) to include the United Kingdom and Australia, this report informs NTIB partners on barriers and opportunities for effective integration. The expansion of the NTIB is based on the principle that defense trade between the United States and its closest allies enables a host of benefits, including increased access to innovation, economies of scale, and interoperability. In order to reap the greatest benefits of a new era of NTIB, this report uses the lessons learned from study of the present state of integration to identify areas of opportunity for policy reforms and greater cooperation.
Gregory Sanders
Deputy Director, Defense-Industrial Initiatives Group and Senior Fellow, International Security Program

Andrew Philip Hunter

Rhys McCormick

Samuel Mooney

Research Intern, Defense-Industrial Initiatives Group

Daniel Herschlag

Research Intern, Defense-Industrial Initiatives Group