States Weekly: January 1, 2025

Big News: Jammu & Kashmir launches the Transport Subsidy Scheme; Delhi Electricity Regulatory Commission reduces the power purchase adjustment charge rates for distribution companies; Madhya Pradesh approves the implementation of the Madhya Pradesh Birth and Death Registration Rules, 2024; and more.


Gujarat releases a new standard operating procedure (SOP) for implementing the “Pradhan Mantri Jan Arogya-Mukhyamantri Amrutum”(PMJAY-MA) health insurance schemes. The new SOP aims to ensure streamlined verification improving access to rural consumers, and includes new guidelines for cardiology, radiology, total knee replacement/total hip replacement, and neonatal services. Source: Gujarat Samachar

Climate Change & Energy

Appellate Tribunal for Electricity (APTEL) directs the Andhra Pradesh distribution companies to deduct the generation based incentive amounts retrospectively from wind project tariffs, starting from February 14, 2017. This decision is aimed to rectify the omission of generation based tariffs in the generic tariff orders issued between August 1, 2015, and March 26, 2016. Source: Mercom; In detail: APTEL’s order

Delhi Electricity Regulatory Commission reduces the power purchase adjustment charge (PPAC) rates for all distribution companies in the state. Source: New Indian Express; In detail: DERC order (BRPL), DERC Order (BYPL), DERC Order (TPDDL)

Gujarat reduces the fuel surcharge on electricity for subscribers of government owned power companies by $0.004 per unit. The announcement is expected to result in savings worth $131.1 million for over 17.5 million consumers. Source: Times of India

Madhya Pradesh approves a proposal to solarise all 11 KV feeders in the state to reduce power subsidies and alleviate the financial burden of upgrading power substations in the state. The solar-powered feeders will provide last-mile electricity supply to farms. Source: Business Standard

Telangana State Electricity Regulatory Commission (TGERC) introduces a new procedure for verifying the status of Captive Generating Plants and their associated users in the state. The aim of the renewed procedure is to enhance transparency and accountability within the power generation and consumption system in Telangana. Source: Construction World

Jammu & Kashmir launches the Transport Subsidy Scheme aimed at replacing old public transport vehicles with eco-friendly, fuel-efficient buses. This initiative seeks to modernise the region's public transport system, reduce traffic congestion and curb rising pollution levels. Under the scheme, vehicle owners will receive a subsidy of $5854.6 for replacing buses older than 15 years, or 16 percent of the vehicle's cost, whichever is lower. Source: ETV; In detail: Transport Subsidy Scheme details


Nothing critical to report this week.

Industrial Policy & Business Regulations  

Goa launches the LetsGoa digital platform aimed at providing seamless travel experiences for both tourists and locals. The website makes it simple for users to browse, reserve, and take advantage of a variety of services offered by lodging facilities, tour companies, and activity providers around Goa. Source: Economic Times

Land Acquisition &Labor Regulations  

Nothing critical to report this week.

Infrastructure & Governance

Gujarat launches the “Mari Yojana” portal developed by the Information Department in collaboration with the National Informatics Centre (NIC). The portal aims to provide citizens with access to information about welfare schemes from various state government departments, all on a single digital platform. Source: Desh Gujarat; In detail: Portal

Madhya Pradesh approves the implementation of the Madhya Pradesh Birth and Death Registration Rules, 2024 enabling the provision of digital registration and electronic delivery of birth and death certificates, creation of national and state level database of registered births and deaths, facilitating the registration process of adopted, orphaned, abandoned, surrogate children and children from single parents or unmarried mothers. Source: The Statesman

Manipur approves financial assistance of $351.27 to families of deceased displaced persons to help cover last rites and funeral expenses. The relief measure is part of the government’s ongoing efforts to provide support to families affected by the violence and migration in the state. Source: India Today

Water & Sanitation

Nothing critical to report this week

Center – State Relations 

Nothing critical to report this week.

Any Other

Nothing critical to report this week.