Global Economics Monthly, August 2023

Welcome to the final issue of the Global Economics Monthly newsletter from the CSIS Economics Program. The first edition was released on March 16, 2012 and was delivered every month without fail until this, the 137th edition. This month, we highlight some of our most popular and widely read pieces. Since Matt Goodman started the Economics Program in 2012, its members have contributed to and shaped the economics policy conversation by testifying in front of Congress, convening key stakeholders for public and private events, written articles, reports, and provided interviews on the challenges facing the U.S. and beyond, and cultivated the next cadre of economic gamechangers. But like all things, change is a constant, and the CSIS Economics Program will be going through a transition in the coming months. The Economics Program is winding down, making way for a new stage of economics work at CSIS that will build upon what Matt Goodman and the team has accomplished for nearly twelve years. Even though this is our last GEM, we will be sure to keep in touch with you, our loyal readers, and update you on exciting developments both in economics and at CSIS. Until then, thank you for your readership and support for the Economics Program.