G20 Communiqué Agrees on Language to Not Conduct Cyber Economic Espionage

Photo: www.kremlin.ru
By Daniel Paltiel
Leaders at the Group of 20 conference on Monday agreed on language pledging not to conduct cyber-enabled economic espionage. The agreement is not legally binding, but it may give countries justification for responding to economically motivated cyber espionage in the future. Read the language of the agreement below:
G20 Communiqué Language on Commercial Espionage and Cyber Security:
26. We are living in an age of Internet economy that brings both opportunities and challenges to global growth. We acknowledge that threats to the security of and in the use of ICTs, risk undermining our collective ability to use the Internet to bolster economic growth and development around the world. We commit ourselves to bridge the digital divide. In the ICT environment, just as elsewhere, states have a special responsibility to promote security, stability, and economic ties with other nations. In support of that objective, we affirm that no country should conduct or support ICT-enabled theft of intellectual property, including trade secrets or other confidential business information, with the intent of providing competitive advantages to companies or commercial sectors. All states in ensuring the secure use of ICTs, should respect and protect the principles of freedom from unlawful and arbitrary interference of privacy, including in the context of digital communications. We also note the key role played by the United Nations in developing norms and in this context we welcome the 2015 report of the UN Group of Governmental Experts in the Field of Information and Telecommunications in the Context of International Security, affirm that international law, and in particular the UN Charter, is applicable to state conduct in the use of ICTs and commit ourselves to the view that all states should abide by norms of responsible state behaviour in the use of ICTs in accordance with UN resolution A/C.1/70/L.45. We are committed to help ensure an environment in which all actors are able to enjoy the benefits of secure use of ICTs.
Read the full text of the G20 Leaders' Communiqué here.
Related story in the Washington Post: World's richest nations agree hacking for commercial benefit is off-limits
Image Credit: www.kremlin.ru