2024 Global Development Forum: Balancing Economic Growth, Energy Security, and Decarbonization
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The CSIS Project on Prosperity and Development hosted the eighth Global Development Forum in Washington D.C. on April 18, 2024. This forum focused broadly on economic growth, decarbonization, and pressing challenges and opportunities for development.
Access to reliable and affordable energy is essential for powering industries, healthcare, transportation, education, and communications systems. Energy serves as the backbone of economic growth and human development, driving productivity, innovation, and improving living standards. At the same time, to address climate change, developing countries are being asked to diversify and transition their energy mix to clean and renewable energy. As nations grapple with the dual challenges of fostering economic prosperity and reducing carbon emissions, we need to have a conversation about how to strike a realistic balance between economic growth and decarbonization. This panel discussed viable and realistic strategies to answer the question “How do we ensure continued economic development as we pursue decarbonization efforts?”
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Elnur Soltanov