Agricultural Transformation in the Brazilian Cerrado: A Model of Development and Prosperity
The Project on Prosperity and Development and the Global Food Security Project cordially invite you to:
Agricultural Transformation in the Brazilian Cerrado:
A Model of Development and Prosperity
Dr. Akio Hosono
Senior Research Advisor and Former Director, JICA Research Institute
Mr. Luiz Caruso
Agricultural Attaché
Embassy of Brazil in Washington, DC
Moderated by:
Kimberly Flowers
Director, Global Food Security Project, CSIS
Since the mid-1970s, the Cerrado region of Brazil, a tropical savanna, has been transformed into one of the world’s largest grain-growing areas. Today the Cerrado region accounts for 70 percent of Brazil’s agricultural production. This transformation involved years of focused research and technology transfer; the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) and the Japan International Research Center for Agricultural Science (JIRCAS) were privileged to partner with EMBRAPA (Empresa Brasileira de Pesquisa Agropecuária, or the Brazilian Agricultural Research Corporation) to enable this revitalization.
This public event will facilitate a discussion of agricultural development in the Brazilian Cerrado based on Dr. Akio Hosono’s 2015 book Development for Sustainable Agriculture: The Brazilian Cerrado . This book discusses the inputs to the Cerrado’s transformation and how it has become a success story of sustainable agricultural development. The program will include a summary of the book’s findings and up-to-date information on Cerrado's agricultural transformation by Dr. Akio Hosono and remarks by Mr. Luiz Caruso, Agricultural Attaché from the Embassy of Brazil in Washington, DC. This discussion will explore how the Cerrado now supports Brazil’s ability to feed billions of people around the world. The Cerrado example and Japan’s and Brazil’s leadership serves as a model for other countries looking to catalyze greater prosperity and food security through agricultural production.
For more information please visit our website. To RSVP, please email with your name, title, and affiliation.
This event is made possible by general support to the Project on Prosperity and Development and the Global Food Security Project.