Better Buying Power Initiative 2.0

May 23, 2013 • 3:00 – 4:30 pm EDT

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With Deputy Secretary of Defense Dr. Ash Carter and Under Secretary of Defense Frank Kendall

The Honorable Frank Kendall
Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition, Technology and Logistics 

In September 2010, then-Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition, Technology and Logistics Ashton B. Carter introduced guidance for the Better Buying Power initiative for efficiencies in defense procurement spending. In November 2012, under Secretary Kendall expanded the initiative to cover six key areas: targeting affordability and controlling cost growth, incentivizing productivity and innovation in industry, promoting real competition, improving tradecraft in services acquisition, reducing non-productive processes and bureaucracy, and improving the professionalism of the total acquisition workforce. Under Secretary Kendall will provide an update to how the Department is implementing Better Buying Power 2.0.

G. Kim Wincup
Senior Adviser (Non-resident), International Security Program