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Build Back Better World: Meeting the Global Infrastructure Challenge

July 30, 2021 • 1:00 – 2:00 pm EDT

Infrastructure is not only a priority for domestic rebuilding in the United States. At their summit in Cornwall in June, G7 leaders agreed to an ambitious “Build Back Better World” (B3W) initiative to help fill the $40+ trillion infrastructure need in the developing world. The B3W will focus on climate, health and health security, digital technology, and gender equity issues and will provide an alternative for infrastructure funding to the China’s Belt and Road Initiative.

In this event, the CSIS Economics Program will host a discussion among former U.S. Trade Representative Amb. Charlene Barshefsky, Bechtel Corporation CEO Brendan Bechtel, CalPERS CEO Marcie Frost, and former National Security Advisor Stephen J. Hadley to discuss the G7 initiative and the essential elements of a successful U.S. global infrastructure strategy.

Featured Panelists:
Ambassador Charlene Barshefsky, Chair, Parkside Global Advisors & Former United States Trade Representative
Brendan Bechtel, Chairman & CEO, Bechtel Group
Marcie Frost, CEO, CalPERS
Stephen J. Hadley, Principal, Rice, Hadley, Gates, and Manuel LLC & Former National Security Advisor of the United States

Moderated by:
Matthew Goodman, Senior Vice President for Economics, CSIS
Jonathan E. Hillman, Senior Fellow, Economics Program & Director, Reconnecting Asia Project

This event is possible through general support to CSIS

Matthew P. Goodman

Matthew P. Goodman

Former Senior Vice President for Economics

Jonathan E. Hillman

Principal, Rice, Hadley, Gates, and Manuel LLC & Former National Security Advisor of the United States