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China’s Power: Up for Debate 2021 - Debate 2: Beijing’s Crackdown Will Stifle Chinese Technology and Scientific Innovation

December 6, 2021 • 4:00 – 5:15 pm EST

The China Power Project will host its sixth annual conference as a series of five live online debates. The second debate will take place on December 6 and will feature two experts debating the following proposition: “Beijing’s crackdown on technology firms will significantly stifle Chinese technological and scientific innovation.”

Over the last year, Beijing initiated a sweeping crackdown and regulatory reform campaign targeting major technology firms. The Chinese government not only intervened to stop Chinese technology companies from listing abroad, but also issued steep fines and put in place new laws and regulations aimed at controlling the flow of data. While some analysts believe these crackdowns will deter technology investors and stifle innovation in China, others forecast that the crackdown may ultimately improve the innovative capabilities of Chinese companies and outweigh any short-term drawbacks. 

Mr. Matt Sheehan, a Fellow for the Asia Program at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace will argue that Beijing’s crackdown on technology firms will significantly stifle Chinese technological and scientific innovation. Ms. Rui Ma, a China Tech Analyst and the Main Writer and Co-Host for Tech Buzz China will argue that Beijing’s crackdown on technology firms will not significantly stifle Chinese technological and scientific innovation.

Each debate features pre- and post-event polls. For more information and to cast your vote for or against a proposition, follow @ChinaPowerCSIS on Twitter. Polling during the event will take place through the Zoom Webinar platform. 

This event is made possible by the generous support of the Carnegie Corporation of New York.


Bonny Lin
Director, China Power Project and Senior Adviser
China Tech Analyst, Main Writer and Co-Host, Tech Buzz China