Video On Demand

Command Climate: The State of U.S. Civil-Military Relations

May 23, 2017 • 9:00 am – 5:00 pm EDT

A Full Day Conference on Civil-Military Relations in Policy, Politics and Public

Conference Agenda:

9:00 am: Coffee and Registration

9:30 am: Welcome and Overview
  • Dr. Kathleen Hicks, senior vice president, Henry A. Kissinger Chair, and director of the International Security Program, CSIS
10:15 am: Panel I – The Military and Policymaking
  • Dr. Janine Davidson, President, Metropolitan State University of Denver; former Undersecretary of the Navy
  • Admiral William Gortney, USN (ret.), former Commander, U.S. Northern Command
  • Dr. Kori Schake, Research Fellow, Stanford University
  • MG Richard Clarke, Vice Director for Strategic Plans and Policy, Joint Staff, J-5 
  • Moderator: Alice Friend, Senior Fellow, International Security Program, CSIS
11:45 am: Lunch 
12:45 pm: Panel II – The Military and Politics 
  • Dr. Eliot Cohen, Robert E. Osgood Professor of Strategic Studies, School of Advanced International Studies, Johns Hopkins University
  • Dr. Peter Feaver, Professor of Political Science and Public Policy, Duke University
  • Colonel Heidi Urben, USA
  • Maj Gen Charles J. Dunlap, USAF (ret.), Executive Director, Center on Law, Ethics and National Security, Duke Law School
  • Moderator: Greg Jaffe, Washington Post
2:15 pm: Panel III – The Military and the Public 
  • Rosa Brooks, Professor of Law and Associate Dean for Graduate Programs, Georgetown University Law Center; Contributing Editor, Foreign Policy
  • Dr. Jason Dempsey, Adjunct Senior Fellow, Military, Veterans and Society Program, Center for a New American Security
  • Major Jim Golby, USA, Executive Office of the Vice President
  • Major General James Johnson, USAF, Director, Air Force Sexual Assault Prevention and Response
  • Moderator: Kim Dozier, The Daily Beast and CNN
3:45 pm: Coffee Break
4:00 pm: Keynote: The Military Profession 
  • Speaker: Admiral Michael Mullen, USN (ret.), former Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff 
  • Moderator: Helene Cooper, The New York Times
5:00 pm: Closing Remarks

Introducing Command Climate

On May 23rd, CSIS's International Security Program is hosting an all-day conference on U.S. civil-military relations. To set the stage, Senior Fellow Alice Friend interviewed a few of the country's top scholars and practitioners.

Click here to view a full list of the interviews

Kathleen H. Hicks

Kathleen H. Hicks

Former Senior Advisor

Alice Hunt Friend