A Conversation with Steve Verheul, Canada's Chief Trade Negotiator with the EU

February 17, 2015 • 10:00 – 11:30 am EST

Due to changes in Mr. Verheul's schedule, we must regrettably cancel his appearance at CSIS on Tuesday. We apologize to those who have signed up and we hope to see you at our future programs.

The CSIS Americas Program invites you to a Statesman's Forum featuring: His Excellency Alvaro Uribe Velez, Former President of Colombia.

Please join the Scholl Chair in International Business for a roundtable discussion with Steve Verheul, Canada's chief trade negotiator with the European Union, as he will discuss the current progress on the Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement (CETA) between Canada and the EU, as well as CETA's implications for NAFTA and TTIP negotiations.


Scott Miller
Senior Adviser and Scholl Chair in International Business, CSIS

Scott Miller
Senior Mentor (Non-resident), Executive Education