Economic Impacts of the Unconventional Oil and Gas Revolution
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The CSIS Energy and National Security Program hosted Trevor Houser, Partner at the Rhodium Group, and Mohsen Bonakdarpour, Managing Director for Consulting Group of IHS Economics, to discuss the domestic economic implications of the U.S. oil and gas revolution.
As unconventionals production moves out of its nascence and our knowledge of the resource base improves, various impacts slowly begin to unfold. Perhaps most importantly, the economic story slowly comes to light--job growth, the effects on industry (both energy intensive and otherwise) and trade balances. Trevor Houser and Mohsen Bonakdarpour discussed their respective reports on the topic followed by a period for Q&A. David Pumphrey, Senior Adviser with the CSIS Energy and National Security Program, moderated.
Trevor Houser is a Partner at the Rhodium Group and leads the firm’s energy and natural resources work. He is also a visiting fellow at the Peterson Institute for International Economics in Washington, DC, where he writes on energy, commodity and environmental market and policy issues.
Mohsen Bonakdarpour, Managing Director for Consulting Group of IHS Economics, is responsible for economic analysis and directs advisory projects across various industry sectors. Mr. Bonakdarpour has experience in global industry and macroeconomic analysis. He has worked with a wide range of clients, helping them to size their markets, predict product demand and to better target their marketing efforts.
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