Energy and Climate Partnership of the Americas (ECPA)
The Americas Program and the Energy and National Security Program of the Center for Strategic International Studies (CSIS) hosted a discussion on:
Energy and Climate Partnership of the Americas (ECPA)
This event discussed ECPA initiatives underway in advance of the Americas' Energy and Climate Ministerial April 15-16 in Washington D.C. that will be hosted by U.S. Energy Secretary Steven Chu and with the participation of Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.
I. Welcome
David Pumphrey,
Deputy Director and Senior Fellow, Energy and National Security Program
Center for Strategic and International Studies
II. Introductory remarks:
David Sandalow, Assistant Secretary for Policy and International Affairs
Department of Energy
David Goldwyn, International Energy Coordinator
Department of State
III. Country Partners
Ambassador Luis Diego Escalante, Embassy of Costa Rica
Ambassador Glenda Morean Phillip, Embassy of Trinidad and Tobago
Pompeu Andreucci Neto, Minister-Counselor for Economic Affairs, Embassy of Brazil
Marc LePage, Minister, Energy and Climate Change, Embassy of Canada
Silvia Constain, Deputy Chief of Mission, Embassy of Colombia
Antonio Ortiz Mena, Head of Economic Affairs, Embassy of Mexico
IV. Institutional Partners:
Leandro Alves, Energy Division Chief
Inter-American Development Bank
Mark Lambrides, Energy and Climate Change Mitigation Chief
Organization of American States
V. Question and Answer Session