The Evolving Terrorist Threat and the Importance of Intelligence to Protect the Homeland

September 7, 2011 • 11:00 am – 9:15 pm EDT

Intelligence and National Security Alliance’s Homeland Security Intelligence Council and the CSIS present The Evolving Terrorist Threat and the Importance of Intelligence to Protect the Homeland

 Complete audio, video, and transcipts will be available for each session from the links below.



Registration, Continental Breakfast



Fran Townsend, INSA Chairwoman
Dr. John Hamre, President and CEO, CSIS

Video Recording | Audio Recording | Transcript


Opening Keynote: The Importance of Intelligence to Protect the Homeland

The Honorable Janet Napolitano, Secretary of Homeland Security

Video Recording | Audio Recording | Transcript


Introduction of CSIS Research paper - Confronting an Uncertain Threat: The Future of al Qaeda and Associated Movements

Rick “Ozzie” Nelson, CSIS Homeland Security and Counterterrorism Program  
Thomas M. Sanderson, CSIS Transnational Threats Project
moderated by the Honorable Juan Zarate, Senior Advisor, CSIS

Video Recording | Audio Recording | Transcript


Panel: The Evolving Terrorist Threat

Ambassador John Negroponte
His Royal Highness Prince Turki Al-Faisal,

moderated by Arnaud de Borchgrave, Director, CSIS Transnational Threats Project

Video Recording | Audio Recording | Transcript


A View from the Hill

Rep. Mike Rogers (R-MI)
Sen. Mark Warner (D-VA)
moderated by Kim Dozier, Associated Press

Video Recording | Audio Recording | Transcript


Panel: Intelligence to Protect the Homeland and the Way Ahead

John Brennan, Deputy National Security Advisor for Homeland Security and Counterterrorism
Fran Townsend, INSA Chairwoman

Video Recording | Audio Recording | Transcript


Lunch: Evolving Threats to the Homeland and the Role of Intelligence

General Michael Hayden (Ret.), Principal, Chertoff Group
Dr. John Hamre, President and CEO, CSIS

Video Recording | Audio Recording | Transcript


Panel: Privacy and Security

The Honorable Matthew Olsen, Director, National Counterterrorism Center
The Honorable John Pistole, Administrator, Transportation Security Administration 
Cathy Lanier, Chief of the Metropolitan Police Department
Suzanne Spaulding, Principal, Bingham Consulting Group
moderated by Jeanne Meserve, CNN

Video Recording | Audio Recording | Transcript


Panel: Homeland Security Intelligence Analytic Tradecraft

The Honorable Caryn Wagner, Under Secretary for Intelligence and Analysis, Department of Homeland Security
Tracy Reinhold, Assistant Director, Directorate of Intelligence, FBI
Phil Mudd, Senior Global Advisor, Oxford Analytica
Dr. Mark Lowenthal, President and CEO, Intelligence & Security Academy
moderated by Shane Harris, Washingtonian

Video Recording | Audio Recording | Transcript


Concluding Remarks 

The Honorable James Clapper, Director of National Intelligence

Video Recording | Audio Recording | Transcript


Wrap Up and Summary

Fran Townsend, INSA Chairwoman

Video Recording | Audio Recording | Transcript

For more information email

John J. Hamre
CSIS President and CEO, and Langone Chair in American Leadership

Thomas M. Sanderson