Facing Complex Challenges: Innovating through Integrated Development
Patrick Fine
Chief Executive Officer, FHI 360
Moderated by:
Daniel F. Runde
William A. Schreyer Chair in Global Analysis and Director, Project on Prosperity and Development
Additional panelists to follow.
Please save the date for an expert panel discussion on the promise of integrated development. While social and economic issues around the world do not adhere to singular sectors or regional areas, development interventions often do. Efforts to create more coherent and adaptive programs that approach multiple sectors and indicators, known as integrated development, show potential in breaking down traditional development silos and allowing solutions to better align with complex problems.
The integration agenda is particularly in line with the Sustainable Development Goals, and will grow increasingly more important throughout their implementation. At the same time, current funding mechanisms, along with training structures, program design, and evaluation models can be poorly suited for integrated programming. In this conversation, experts from non-governmental organizations, the U.S. government, and Capitol Hill will discuss how and why development actors in the United States and around the world should foster innovative, flexible, and integrated development programming for sustainable impact.
This event is made possible by support from FHI 360.