Fifth Annual CSIS South China Sea Conference
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The CSIS Sumitro Chair for Southeast Asia Studies is pleased to host its Fifth Annual South China Sea Conference. This full-day conference will provide opportunities for in-depth discussion and analysis of U.S. and Asian policy options in the South China Sea. It will feature speakers from throughout the region, including claimant countries. Panels will address recent developments, legal issues, the strategic balance, and engage in a crisis simulation.
8:30 a.m. Registration of Participants
9:00 a.m. Welcome and Introduction
Dr. John Hamre
President, CEO, and Pritzker Chair
9:15 a.m. Recent Developments in the South China Sea
Mr. Bill Hayton
Author and Reporter
BBC News
Ms. Bonnie Glaser
Senior Adviser for Asia, Freeman Chair in China Studies
Dr. Wu Shicun
National Institute for South China Sea Studies (China)
Dr. Tran Truong Thuy
Executive Director
Foundation for East Sea Studies (Vietnam)
Dr. Scott Kennedy
Deputy Director, Freeman Chair in China Studies
10:30 a.m. Coffee Break
10:45 a.m. Legal Issues and Concerns
The Hon. John Norton Moore
Director, Center for Oceans Law and Policy
University of Virginia Law School
Dr. Jay Batongbacal
Assistant Professor and Director, Institute for Maritime Affairs & Law of the Sea
University of the Philippines, College of Law
Mr. Sienho Yee
Changjiang Xuezhe Professor of International Law and Chief Expert
Wuhan University Institute of Boundary and Ocean Studies (China)
Dr. Pham Lan Dung
Dean, International Law Faculty
Diplomatic Academy of Vietnam
Mr. Murray Hiebert
Senior Fellow & Deputy Director, Sumitro
Chair for Southeast Asia Studies, CSIS
12:00 p.m. Keynote Address
The Hon. Randy Forbes (R-Virginia)
Chairman, Subcommittee on Seapower and Projection Forces
U.S. House Armed Services Committee
Mr. Ernest Bower
Senior Adviser and Sumitro Chair for Southeast Asia Studies
12:45 p.m. Luncheon Served
1:15 p.m. Luncheon Keynote Address
The Hon. Daniel Russel
Assistant Secretary for East Asian and Pacific Affairs
U.S. Department of State
Mr. Murray Hiebert
Deputy Director and Senior Fellow, Sumitro Chair for Southeast Asia Studies
2:00 p.m. Military Balance and Regional Order
Dr. Ian Storey
Senior Fellow
Institute for Southeast Asia Studies (Singapore)
Dr. Patrick Cronin
Senior Advisor and Senior Director for the Asia-Pacific Security Program
Center for a New American Security
Dr. Renato Cruz de Castro
Professor, International Studies Department
De La Salle University (Philippines)
Mr. Peter Jennings
Executive Director
Australian Strategic Policy Institute
Mr. Ernest Bower
Senior Adviser and Sumitro Chair for Southeast Asia Studies
3:15 p.m. Coffee Break
3:30 p.m. Crisis Simulation (off-the-record)
National Security Advisor:
Dr. Michael Green
Senior Vice President and Japan Chair
Secretary of State:
Dr. Kurt Campbell
Chairman and CEO
The Asia Group
Secretary of Defense:
The Hon. Sean O’Keefe
Distinguished Senior Adviser
Director of National Intelligence:
Mr. Paul Heer
Former National Intelligence Officer for East Asia
Office of the Director of National Intelligence
Mr. Christopher Johnson
Senior Adviser and Freeman Chair in China Studies
5:00 p.m. Conference Concludes