Please join us on Thursday, March 8 for a timely conversation with
Jüri Luik, Minister of Defense of Estonia. The United States and its allies are approaching an important NATO Summit in Brussels in July 2018, and Estonia is at the forefront of major questions of European security. Estonia is one of the NATO allies dedicating above 2% of its GDP to defense and hosts a UK-led multinational battlegroup as part of NATO’s Enhanced Forward Presence, yet there is much work still to be done to create an
Enhanced Deterrence in the North, including improving military mobility and NATO-EU cooperation. Minister Luik has unique experience in these matters, from Estonia’s EU presidency in 2017 when EU leaders agreed to pursue strengthened defense cooperation (PESCO), and having served in cabinet-level positions on multiple occasions. This discussion will shed light on vital transatlantic issues, and we hope you will join us.
This event is made possible by generous support from the Stuart Family Foundation.