Video On Demand

Hacking the Skills Shortage

July 27, 2016 • 9:00 – 11:00 am EDT

A Study of the International Shortage in Cybersecurity Skills

While computer network breaches and vulnerabilities are discovered daily, traditional education and policies have failed to develop a robust cybersecurity workforce. Join us for the launch of the final report of an study that surveyed eight countries—Australia, France, Germany, Israel, Japan, Mexico, the United Kingdom (UK), and the United States—followed by a discussion on the crisis in cybersecurity talent internationally and solutions to fix critical shortcomings.
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Event Partners

James Andrew Lewis
Senior Vice President; Pritzker Chair; and Director, Strategic Technologies Program
Deputy Under Secretary for Cybersecurity, National Protections and Programs Directorate (NPPD), U.S. Department of Homeland Security 

Candace Worley

Senior Vice President and General Manager, Intel Security

Amir Becker

Director of Cyber Cooperation, Embassy of Israel

Simone Petrella

Chief Cyberstrategy Officer, CyberVista

Rodney Petersen

Director, National Initiative for Cybersecurity Education