How will EU Accession Impact Ukraine's Economic Transformation?
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The goal of European Union accession should underpin Ukraine’s economic transformation. Aligning Ukraine’s reconstruction with EU membership represents not just an opportunity to rapidly accelerate Ukraine’s recovery but to also strengthen Ukrainian democracy and government institutions. With its large population, Ukraine has the capacity to complement different industries and service sectors with the EU, giving it the potential to become a manufacturing and nearshoring hub for the EU market. However, to join the EU Ukraine has to strengthen its governance frameworks and regulatory environment. Moreover, Ukraine’s population size will make it the fifth-largest member, raising concerns about the EU’s ability to absorb Ukraine. Ukraine has sought a European future and its future reconstruction has the potential to bring about shared prosperity within the European family.
- Max Bergman, Director, Europe, Russia, and Eurasia Program and Stuart Center, Center for Strategic and International Studies
- Vlad Rashkovan, Alternative Executive Director, International Monetary Fund (IMF)
- Eka Tkeshelashvili, Chief of Party, MSI, A Tetra Tech Company
- Paula Dobriansky, Harvard University
- Ana Palacio, former Minister of Foreign Affairs of Spain; Visiting Professor, Georgetown University
Hosted By

Vlad Rashkovan

Eka Tkeshelashvili

Ambassador Paula Dobriansky