Indo-Pacific Forecast 2024
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To what extent will de-risking shape regional economic dynamics? What will be the greatest military flashpoint in the region next year? Which 2024 election will have the greatest impact on international relations in the Indo-Pacific? Join CSIS experts to explore these and other questions during our annual preview of economic, political, and security developments across the region.
This event is made possible through general support to the Center for Strategic and International Studies.
Welcoming Remarks
Victor Cha
Senior Vice President for Asia and Korea Chair, CSIS
Economic Trend Lines, De-Risking, and Counter-Coercion
Emily Benson
Director, Project on Trade and Technology and Senior Fellow, Scholl Chair in International Business, CSIS
Scott Kennedy
Senior Adviser and Trustee Chair in Chinese Business and Economics, CSIS
William A. Reinsch
Senior Adviser and Scholl Chair in International Business, CSIS
Ilaria Mazzocco
Senior Fellow, Trustee Chair in Chinese Business and
Economics, CSIS
Gregory C. Allen
Director, Wadhwani Center for AI and Advanced Technologies, CSIS
Moderated by
Nicholas Szechenyi
Senior Fellow, Japan Chair and Deputy Director for Asia, CSIS
Regional Security Dynamics: China, Russia, North Korea
Victor Cha
Senior Vice President for Asia and Korea Chair, CSIS
Charles Edel
Senior Adviser and Australia Chair, CSIS
Bonny Lin
Director, China Power Project and Senior Fellow, Asian Security, CSIS
Sydney Seiler
Senior Adviser, (Non-Resident), Korea Chair, CSIS, and former National Intelligence Officer for North Korea, National Intelligence Council
Lily McElwee
Deputy Director and Fellow, Freeman Chair in China Studies, CSIS
Moderated by
Nicholas Szechenyi
Senior Fellow, Japan Chair and Deputy Director for Asia, CSIS
Allies and Partners: Building Resilience in an Era of Uncertainty
Christopher Johnstone
Senior Adviser and Japan Chair, CSIS
Richard M. Rossow
Senior Adviser and Chair in U.S.-India Policy Studies, CSIS
Katrin Fraser Katz
Adjunct Fellow (Non-resident), Korea Chair, CSIS, and Professor of Practice, University of Miami
Kathryn Paik
Senior Fellow, Australia Chair, CSIS
Gregory B. Poling
Senior Fellow and Director, Southeast Asia Program and Asia Maritime Transparency Initiative, CSIS
Moderated by
Derek Mitchell
Senior Adviser (Non-resident), Office of the President, CSIS, and Former U.S. Ambassador to Myanmar
Hosted By
Contact Information
- Nicholas Szechenyi
- Vice President, Geopolitics and Foreign Policy Department and Senior Fellow, Japan Chair
- 202.741.3928
Media Contact Information
- H. Andrew Schwartz
- Chief Communications Officer
- 202.775.3242
- Paige Montfort
- Associate Director for Corporate Relations, Strategic Planning
- 202.775.3173

Emily Benson