Korea Global Forum 2023

November 6, 2023 • 10:00 am – 6:00 pm EST

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The International Security Program (ISP) will co-host a conference with the Korea University Peace and Democracy Institute (PDI) on November 6th at CSIS. The in-person conference will feature a keynote address and panels on current issues influencing the United States’ nuclear policy towards North Korea.

The event will run from 10:00 AM to 6:00 PM and will feature three panels. The first panel is titled Envisioning US Policy Towards North Korea After the 2024 Presidential Election. The second panel is titled Fostering a Sustainable Path to North Korean Denuclearization: The Role of the US-ROK Alliance. The third panel is titled Advancing US-ROK Collaboration on North Korean Human Rights.

This event is funded by the Republic of Korea Ministry of Unification.


10:00 am

Opening Remarks

10:30 am

Session 1: Envisioning US Policy Toward North Korea After the 2024 Presidential Election

1:20 pm

Session 2: Fostering a Sustainable Path to North Korean Denuclearization: The Role of the US-ROK Alliance

3:30 pm

Session 3: Advancing US-ROK Collaboration on North Korean Human Rights

5:10 pm

Closing Remarks

Contact Information

Seth G. Jones
President, Defense and Security Department; Harold Brown Chair
Director, Project on Nuclear Issues and Senior Fellow, Defense and Security Department