Video On Demand

Latin American Women and Democracy: Perspectives of Activists in the Region

June 12, 2023 • 9:00 – 10:30 am EDT

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Las mujeres Latinoamericanas y la democracia: perspectivas de activistas de la región


Simultaneous interpretation will be provided for both online and in-person audiences. For a description of the event in Spanish, please see below.

Join the Americas Program for a hybrid public event on the intersection between democracy and women's rights, the role of women in building democratic and equitable societies, and the systemic violence that they face.

Women have a long history leading movements that demand civic and political rights. These movements often seek to build democracy and equitable societies, expose human rights violations and authoritarian practices, and fight against hierarchical societies that consolidate power in the hands of few.

For this very reason women are a strategic target for many dictators—or future dictators—which is why it is often seen that these leaders launch a simultaneous attack on women’s rights and democratic institutions. In fact, the rollback of women’s rights has gone hand-in-hand with democratic backsliding in the region.

During this moderated panel discussion, we will explore the interconnection of democracy and women's rights, the role of women in building democratic and equitable societies, and the systemic violence that these groups face. Finally, we would like to give some specific ideas on how governments, civil society, and international organizations can support women and their movements.

Please note that space is limited. You must register and receive a confirmation email to show at the door for in-person participation. After the panel discussion, we invite you to a networking session. 

This event is made possible through general support to CSIS.

Remote Visualization


El Programa sobre las Americas lo invita a participar en un evento público en formato hibrido sobre la intersección entre la democracia y los derechos de las mujeres, el papel de las mujeres en la construcción de sociedades democráticas y equitativas, y la violencia sistémica que enfrentan.

Las mujeres tienen una larga trayectoria al frente de movimientos que reivindican derechos cívicos y políticos. Estos movimientos buscan construir sociedades democráticas y equitativas, visibilizar violaciones de derechos humanos y prácticas autoritarias, y luchar contra sociedades jerárquicas que consolidan el poder en manos de unos pocos.

Por eso mismo, las mujeres son un objetivo estratégico para muchos dictadores, o futuros dictadores, por lo que a menudo se observa que lideres autoritarios atacan de manera simultánea las instituciones democráticas y a las mujeres. De hecho, el retroceso de los derechos de las mujeres ha ido de la mano con el retroceso democrático en la región.

Durante este panel exploraremos la interconexión de la democracia y los derechos de las mujeres, el papel de las mujeres en la construcción de sociedades democráticas y equitativas, y la violencia sistémica que enfrentan estos grupos. Finalmente, nos gustaría dar algunas ideas específicas sobre cómo los gobiernos, la sociedad civil y las organizaciones internacionales pueden apoyar a las mujeres y sus movimientos.

Tenga en cuenta que el espacio es limitado. Para participar en persona debe registrarse y recibir un correo electrónico de confirmación para mostrar en la puerta. Después del panel, le invitamos a participar en una hora de networking informal. 

Este evento es posible gracias a la asistencia general que recibe CSIS.


Moderated Panel Discussion

9:00 am

The panelists will make opening remarks followed by a moderated discussion and audience Q&A. 

Networking Reception (Optional)

10:30 am

Coffee and soft drinks will be provided. The networking reception will conclude at 11:30am.

Hosted By


woman at protest

Tamara Davila

Psychologist, women's rights defender, and political activist.
Laritza Diversent

Laritza Diversent

Lawyer, independent journalist, and human rights defender at CUBALEX
women sitting on beige chair

Celia Medrano

Journalist, researcher and analyst specialized in human rights
woman dark hair portrait

Tamara Taraciuk Broner

Lawyer and Director of Peter D. Bell Rule of Law Program at the Inter-American Dialogue

Moderated by:

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