Video On Demand

Leading Japan's Digital Transformation: A Discussion with Kono Taro

January 11, 2023 • 3:00 – 4:00 pm EST

The CSIS Japan Chair cordially invites you to "Leading Japan's Digital Transformation: A Discussion with Kono Taro."

Japan has placed digital transformation (DX) at the forefront of the policy agenda both domestically and internationally as it prepares to host the G7 Summit later this year. Please join us for a discussion with Kono Taro, Japan’s Minister for Digital Transformation, who will address Japan’s recent efforts and commitment to shaping rules and norms for the digital economy.

Opening Remarks

Dr. John Hamre, CSIS President and CEO, and Langone Chair in American Leadership

Keynote Speaker

Kono Taro, Minister for Digital Transformation, Japan


Christopher Johnstone, Senior Adviser and Japan Chair

This event is made possible through general support to CSIS.

John J. Hamre
CSIS President and CEO, and Langone Chair in American Leadership
Kono Taro

Kono Taro

Minister for Digital Transformation