Modern Africa: A Symposium on Opportunities for Women in Energy and Water Access
On Wednesday, February 26, CSIS hosted a conference on women's access to water and clean energy in Africa. Practitioners, thought leaders, experts, entrepreneurs, and policy makers discussed and explored the opportunities in water-energy access in Africa, and gave examples of successful policies and entrepreneurial ventures that are helping to increase women’s participation in, and contribution to, the water and energy sectors in Africa. The panel sessions focused on removing barriers to women’s access to energy and water, and on harnessing opportunities at the water-energy access nexus through innovative social, impact, and for-profit investment models, and diaspora networks and platforms to establish business ventures and relationships that catalyze more investments.
Panel discussions covered:
Women's Access to Energy
Women's Access to Water
Harnessing Opportunities to Increase Access to Energy and Water through Partnerships and Innovative Investment Models
and speakers included:
Tim Boersma, The Brookings Institution
Bill Carter, Ashoka
Jennifer Cooke, Africa Program, CSIS
Leslie Cordes, Global Alliance for Clean Cookstoves
Alexander Dixon, The Aspen Institute
Eric V. Guichard, Homestrings Ltd
Maya Harris, U.S. Department of Energy
Robert T. Healey, Jr., Healey International Relief Foundation
Rachel Ishofsky, InnoAfrica
Paula Jackson, American Association of Blacks in Energy
Dr. Lawrence Jones, Center for Sustainable Development in Africa
Richenda Van Leeuwen, U.N. Foundation
Frank Verrastro, Energy and National Security Program, CSIS
Wednesday, February 26, 2014
8:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m
Center for Strategic and International Studies
1616 Rhode Island Ave. NW, Washington, D.C. 20036
2nd Floor Conference Room
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