Video On Demand

New Voices in Foreign Affairs: 40 Under 40 Latinos in Foreign Policy

May 9, 2017 • 3:00 – 4:30 pm EDT
Please join the Center for Strategic and International Studies for a conversation with a new generation of Latinos in foreign policy. Featured in the 40 Under 40, these talented experts will discuss current political and economic developments in Latin America, U.S. business interests in the Middle East, and the new Latinos in Foreign Policy Association.

Click here for a full list of the 2015 and 2016 recipients of the 40 Under 40: Latinos in Foreign Policy Award.

Ambassador Lino Gutiérrez

Executive Director, Una Chapman Cox Foundation

Jennifer Miel

Executive Director, U.S.-Bahrain Business Council and U.S.-Turkey Business Council Senior Director for Turkey & Middle East Affairs, U.S. Chamber of Commerce

Laura Jaramillo-Bernal

Executive Producer, Efecto Naim at NTN24

Eliza Ramirez

Legislative Assistant and Advisor to Congressman Michael E. Capuano

Sergio Aguirre

Associate Vice President for International Advocacy, PhRMA

Ginny Barahona

Vice President, Strategic Partnerships & Communications, Keep a Child Alive