Online Event: Is China Gaining on America as the Leading Standards-Setter for New Technologies and Products?
Standardization of products and processes is the foundation of American prosperity. America has championed an open and transparent process. China is rising as a remarkably strong global competitor, and China has adopted a national policy to become leader in setting standards for global products. This causes many people to fear that China will use its economic clout to promote China-centric standards and warp the international system.
With 1.4 billion consumers, can China dominate the global standards-setting process? Can China’s “top-down”, government-centric approach fundamentally change standards-setting procedures in the world? Where does the EU—with its state-centric approach—fit in this great competition between government-directed standards versus commercial consensus standards?
We will explore these questions during our next session with Joe Bhatia, President and CEO of The American National Standards Institute (ANSI). How does China “play” in international standards-setting venues? Can we find a collaborative solution to standards-setting between the US and China?