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Online Event: Prospects for the Global Cultural Creative Economy

September 17, 2020 • 5:00 – 6:00 pm EDT

Please join the CSIS Americas Program for a conversation on the impact Covid-19 has had on the global creative economy, drawing on the comparative experiences of the United States, France, and Colombia.

The cultural and creative economy has been hardest hit amongst sectors by the current public health and economic crisis and will require targeted initiatives for it to be rebuilt. In this event, the discussion will draw upon the comparative experiences of the United States, France, and Colombia. Colombia, an effective representative of the Western Hemisphere in the creative economy sector, has already felt an economic shock because of Covid-19. France, a country renowned for its cultural and creative exports, has also been experiencing economic setbacks in its creative sector. As the world's predominant cultural exporter, the United States is also seeing a significant downturn in its creative industries and related jobs throughout all sectors of its economy.

Our panel will feature Felipe Buitrago, Vice-Minister for Creativity and the Orange Economy of Colombia, Ambassador Philippe Étienne, French Ambassador to the United States, and Dr. Carlos Díaz-Rosillo, Senior Deputy Chairman at the National Endowment for the Humanities.

This event is made possible through general support to CSIS.

Daniel F. Runde
Senior Vice President; William A. Schreyer Chair; Director, Project on Prosperity and Development