The Perilous State of Freedom and Democracy in Africa
Freedom House’s 2021 Freedom in the World report documents the 15th consecutive year of decline in global freedom. The trend is mirrored in sub-Saharan Africa, where 21 countries saw their scores in the report decline. Leaders evading term limits, rising digital repression, and authoritarians’ use of COVID-related restrictions to crack down on opposition are just several of the factors contributing to democratic backsliding. Some countries buck this trend – Malawi made an impressive turnaround, the opposition defeated the ruling party in Seychelles, and Sudan continued to expand freedoms – but the overall trajectory is concerning.
Please join the CSIS Africa Program and Freedom House for an examination of the most recent Freedom in the World findings in Africa and discussion of democracy, governance, and human rights on the continent – and policy options in response. CSIS Africa Program Director Judd Devermont will moderate a conversation with Tiseke Kasambala, Chief of Party of Freedom House’s Advancing Rights in Southern Africa program; Mausi Segun, Executive Director of the Human Rights Watch Africa Division; and Jon Temin, Freedom House’s Africa Director and CSIS Senior Associate.
This event is made possible through general support to CSIS