Video On Demand

Producing More with Less Through Partnerships

October 9, 2015 • 3:00 – 5:00 pm EDT

Join the CSIS Global Food Security Project and the Royal Danish Embassy for a half-day event focused on how to produce more with less through partnerships for agricultural development. Harnessing the power of agriculture to feed a growing planet requires a multi-stakeholder approach that moves beyond typical public-private partnership rhetoric and has sustainable, deep relationships along entire supply chains. Solutions must include low-cost, innovative technologies that help farmers maximize production and minimize resources.

This event will provide an interactive forum in which leaders from business, non-governmental organizations, academia, and government agencies will come together to explore how to best tackle dwindling natural resources in a world of ever-increasing demand, and how to scale up partnerships to catalyze efficient production.

A light breakfast will be served.

Featuring :

Martin Merrild
Chairman, Danish Agriculture and Food Council; President, European Farmers Organization, COPA

Dr. Robert Thompson
Senior Fellow, Chicago Council on Global Affairs; Professor Emeritus, University of Illinois

Chris Bender
Head of Public Affairs and Communication, Novozymes North America

Moderated by :

Kimberly Flowers
Director, CSIS Global Food Security Project

This event is made possible by the generous support of the Royal Danish Embassy.

Kimberly Flowers
Senior Associate (Non-resident), Humanitarian Agenda and Global Food and Water Security Program