Russia's Economy and Implications for Russia's Future
After a decade of record growth, Russia’s economy began to slow after 2008. This slowdown accelerated when falling oil prices combined with Western sanctions over Ukraine to exacerbate the effects of a still-unreformed economic system. Today, few can argue that Russia’s economy is in serious trouble. But where will it go from here?
Vladislav Inozemtsev will consider the ways in which Russia’s economy might evolve and provide his assessment of its most likely path—and assess the implications for Russian policy and stability over the next decade.
Vladislav Inozemtsev
Professor, Higher School of Economics (Moscow);
Visiting Fellow, Russia and Eurasia Program and the Brzezinski Institute on Geostrategy, CSIS
Moderated by:
Olga Oliker
Senior Adviser and Director, Russia and Eurasia Program, CSIS
This event is made possible through the support of the Carnegie Corporation of New York.