Video On Demand

Taiwan’s Cybersecurity Environment: Challenges and Opportunities

January 5, 2018 • 10:00 – 11:30 am EST
Information and communications technologies (ICT), including the Internet, have long been central to Taiwan’s economic prosperity. At the same time, the island faces complex cybersecurity challenges internally as well as vis-a-vis mainland China and the rest of the world. Effectively addressing these challenges requires Taiwan taking steps both internally as well as through cooperation with others. Join the Freeman Chair on Friday, January 5 for a presentation by Dr. Joseph Hwang on these issues. Dr. Hwang will place Taiwan’s cybersecurity situation in a broader context and discuss recent developments, followed by comments from CSIS Technology Program Senior Fellow, Samm Sacks. CSIS's Freeman Chair in China Studies and Senior Adviser, Christopher K. Johnson, will serve as moderator and will invite members of the audience to ask questions to the speakers. 

Joseph Hwang

Program Director & Assistant Professor, The War College, National Defense University, Taiwan (R.O.C.)