Transatlantic Forum
Rebalancing and Reinforcing the Transatlantic Bond
The Honorable John McCain (R-AZ)
The Honorable Christopher Murphy (D-CT)
With an Introduction by:
John J. Hamre
President and CEO, and The Pritzker Chair, CSIS
With Special Guest:
General Jean-Paul Paloméros
NATO Supreme Allied Commander Transformation
Moderated by:
Kathleen H. Hicks
Senior Vice President and Director, International Security Program, CSIS
Heather A. Conley
Senior Fellow and Director, Europe Program, CSIS
Monday, January 27, 2014
4:15 to 5:15 p.m.
2nd Floor Conference Center
CSIS 1616 Rhode Island NW, Washington, DC 20036
Please join us for a bipartisan conversation on the future of NATO and the challenges that lie ahead for the transatlantic security relationship. On the eve of the Munich Security Conference, Senator McCain and Senator Murphy will provide their perspectives regarding the current state of European defense, the regional and global security challenges NATO faces, and the future role of NATO's partnership program as the Alliance prepares for a defining summit in September.