Urban Hunger
Secondary Cities and New Frontiers in Fighting Food Insecurity and Malnutrition
As the international community pursues the “zero hunger” goal, we need more forward thinking on how best to tackle both urban and rural hunger together. Rural populations remain the focus of food security programs, while metrics on urban food security are missing, as well as thorough analysis and funding. Food insecurity and malnutrition severely inhibit cities’ potential for economic growth and development, especially secondary cities, between 500,000 and 3 million people, which are essential hubs of innovation and entrepreneurship around the world.
Please join the CSIS Global Food Security Project in welcoming a distinguished group of experts to discuss how to develop sustainable solutions to the unique challenges posed by urban hunger across the world. Special Representative Stetson, Dr. Fan, and Kimberly Flowers will explore the issue in an armchair discussion, followed by an expert panel to dive deeper into the specifics of battling hunger and malnutrition in secondary cities.
Featuring a discussion with:
Dr. Nancy Stetson
Special Representative for Global Food Security,
U.S. Department of State
Dr. Shenggen Fan
Director General,
s International Food Policy Research Institute
Moderated by:
Kimberly Flowers
Director, Global Food Security Project
Center for Strategic and International Studies
Followed by a panel featuring:
Gloria D. Steele
Senior Deputy Assistant Administrator, Bureau for Asia,
U.S. Agency for International Development
Ashley Arabasadi
Senior Officer, Global Engagement Unit
International Medical Corps
Marc Cohen
Senior Researcher
Oxfam America
Moderated by:
Ambassador William J. Garvelink
Senior Advisor for Global Strategy,
International Medical Corps
This event is made possible by the generous support of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.