U.S.-India Subnational Energy Workshop

November 1 – 3, 2017

U.S.-India State and Urban Initiative

Memo: U.S.-India Subnational Energy Workshop


CSIS in partnership with the Shakti Sustainable Energy Foundation hosted the first-ever U.S. – India Subnational Energy Workshop in New Delhi. The event brought together over 100 participants over three days including 10 representatives of Indian states, 12 representatives of U.S. states, India’s Ministry of New & Renewable Energy (MNRE), Energy Efficiency Services Limited (EESL), and several U.S. federal government agencies to discuss common challenges in deploying technologies, creating policies and management of the grid of the future. The event was kick-started with an evening reception at the U.S. Embassy supported by AmCham and Azure Power. On November 2nd, U.S. and Indian states shared which smart power technologies they were deploying, challenges of managing those technologies, issues of capacity and training for staff, as well as the need for important regional interconnections to uptake new sources of distributed power. On November 3rd, participants were invited to partake in a tour of Tata Power Delhi Distribution Limited’s state-of-the-art Smart Grid Lab in Delhi. The tour allowed participants to see first-hand how Indian utilities are dealing with the challenges of transforming India’s electricity sector and readying themselves to deploy technologies for managing the grid of the future. See agenda below for more details.


States are critical for undertaking reforms and implementing policies to provide clean, reliable power to all citizens. States are also the laboratories of innovation and can choose to design policies and deploy technologies specific to their needs. In a first-of-its-kind subnational energy dialogue between the United States and India, states will come together to discuss how they can ready themselves to develop a grid of the future. By opening the discussion to research institutions, private sector, civil society, and philanthropy, this dialogue will ensure that the right set of stakeholders can build partnerships for:

  1. successful policy design and implementation
  2. technology innovation and deployment
  3. building capacity of new and existing institutions and workforce development

Energy Innovation Reception

7:00 PM – 9:00 PM | Wednesday, November 1, 2017 | Ambassador’s Residence, Roosevelt House
The Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) is partnering with the Government of India’s Ministry of New & Renewable Energy and the Shakti Sustainable Energy Foundation, to inaugurate the first workshop of the U.S.-India State and Urban Initiative with an evening reception focused on energy innovation. The reception will bring together key U.S. states, universities and research institutions with their Indian counterparts to highlight the various development initiatives and solutions-oriented innovations that are being undertaken. The evening reception is hosted by the U.S. Embassy in New Delhi, with support from American Chamber of Commerce in India and Azure Power. See photos here.

7:30PM Opening Remarks

MaryKay Loss Carlson
Deputy Chief of Mission
U.S. Embassy in New Delhi

7:40PM Special Address

Shri Anand Kumar
Ministry of New & Renewable Energy
Government of India
7:50PM Welcome Remarks

Richard M. Rossow
Senior Advisor & Wadhwani Chair in U.S.-India Policy Studies

8:05PM Concluding Remarks

Krishan Dhawan
Shakti Sustainable Energy Foundation

U.S.-India Subnational Energy Workshop Day 2

Inaugural Workshop

9:15 AM – 5:00 PM | Thursday, November 2, 2017 | Taj Mahal Hotel, New Delhi

9:15AM Registration (Meet and Greet)
9:45AM Opening Remarks

Kartikeya Singh, Deputy Director and Fellow, Wadhwani Chair in U.S.-India Policy Studies, CSIS

9:55AM Introduction of Welcome Address Speaker

Krishan Dhawan, CEO, Shakti Sustainable Energy Foundation

10:05AM Welcome Address

A.K. Tripathi
National Institute of Solar Energy (NISE)
Government of India

10:20AM Introduction of Special Address Speaker

Richard M. Rossow, Senior Advisor and Wadhwani Chair in U.S.-India Policy Studies, CSIS

10:30AM Special Address

Robert Jackson
Chair, Board of Directors
National Association of State Energy Officials
Michigan Energy Office, Government of Michigan

10:45AM Networking Break

Seminar I


The grid of the future must be reliable, resilient and capable of integrating vast quantities of renewable energy. Based on CSIS’s survey of Indian and U.S. states, a few key technologies stand out as critical for the creation of this new grid: decentralized and large grid-tied renewable energy, smart power technologies, and energy storage technologies. This session will focus on the experience of key stakeholders and their perspectives in trying to deploy these technologies in states in both countries. The objective of this exchange will be to identify what kinds of partnerships between states and non-state actors are required for the successful deployment of these technologies to build the grid of the future.

Owen Zinaman, National Renewable Energy Laboratory
Deepak Gupta, Shakti Sustainable Energy Foundation

State Representatives
Ajay Misra, Principal Secretary, Department of Power, Government of Telangana
Vikram Kapur, Principal Secretary, Energy Department, Government of Tamil Nadu
Jane Epperson, Senior Energy Policy Specialist, Division of Energy, Government of Missouri
B.B. Mehta, Chief Engineer, State Load Dispatch Center, Government of Gujarat

Mashal Dhawan, Chief Marketing Officer, Smart Energy Water
Owen Zinaman, National Renewable Energy Laboratory
Paul Clark, Senior Advisor, International Programs,National Rural Electric Cooperatives Association (NRECA)

1:45PM Lunch

Seminar II


Indian states are vested with the power to give robust policy directives for the energy sector to introduce healthy regulations, to foster an environmentally and financially sound path for state utilities, introduce incentives conducive to the growth of energy entrepreneurs, and for attracting more investment yet challenges remain to changing the systems and approaches of the past to bring about the most optimal future outcomes. The focus of this discussion will be to understand the role of various stakeholders in designing new collaborative frameworks to support technology innovation and diffusion in addition to supporting existing institutions which are struggling to manage the transition to a grid of the future. The objective of this exchange will be to identify partners to assist states in designing new frameworks to foster the growth of an energy innovation ecosystem that can support new technology deployment and management of the supporting state energy institutions such as (MNRE State Nodal Agencies and DISCOMs).

Dr. Kartikeya Singh, Wadhwani Chair in U.S.-India Policy Studies

State Representatives
Sangeeta Singh, Director, UPNEDA, Government of Uttar Pradesh
Zamir Qadri, Consultant to Finance Minister, Government of Jammu and Kashmir
Robert Jackson, Director, Michigan Agency for Energy, Government of Michigan
Ken Curry, Vice President, Customer & Corporate Services, Nebraska Public Power District
Awinash Bawle, Deputy Director, International Affairs and Business Development, Government of California

Praveer Sinha, CEO and Managing Director, Tata Power Delhi Distribution Limited
Fred Walti, Founder, Los Angeles Clean Tech Incubator
Rebecca Kiernan, Senior Sustainability Officer, City of Pittsburgh

5:00PM Closing Address
Shri Anand Kumar
Ministry of New & Renewable Energy
Government of India


Dinner: The Energy Future of Indian States

7:00 PM – 9:00 PM | Thursday, November 2, 2017

Welcome Remarks

Deepak Gupta, Senior Program Manager (Power), Shakti Sustainable Energy Foundation

6:15PM Introduction of Keynote Speaker

Kartikeya Singh, Deputy Director and Fellow, Wadhwani Chair in U.S.-India Policy Studies, CSIS

Keynote Address

Saurabh Kumar
Managing Director
Energy Efficiency Services Limited (EESL)

Closing Remarks

Richard M. Rossow, Senior Advisor and Wadhwani Chair in U.S.-India Policy Studies, CSIS
Krishan Dhawan, CEO, Shakti Sustainable Energy Foundation


U.S.-India Subnational Energy Workshop Day 3: Field Tour

Field Tour of Smart Grid Lab and Discussion

Tata Power Delhi Distribution Limited Smart Grid Lab  9:00 AM – 1:30 PM | Friday, November 3, 2017

9:00AM Arrive at Tata Power-DDL Smart Grid Lab
Smart Grid Lab Tour

Praveer Sinha

Chief Executive Office and Managing Director
Tata Power Delhi Distribution Limited
Smart Grid Team
10:30AM Tea Break
10:45AM Tata Power-DDL Presentation
Praveer Sinha
Chief Executive Office and Managing Director
Tata Power Delhi Distribution Limited

The final day of the workshop includes a private sector focused session highlighting the market for smart power technology, storage technology, and distributed generation. The opportunities in this sector is immense as it complements the uptake of renewables, stabilization of the grids, 100 percent electrification goals, and the smart cities project. The session’s objective is to provide a comprehensive outlook on how companies, government, and non-government institutions can work together to design scalable energy projects in both countries. This will require diving deep in to logistical and regulatory environment and partnerships required to meet the energy needs of Indian and U.S. states.

Moderated by
Vickie Gunderson, International Trade Specialist, U.S. Department of Commerce
Kartikeya Singh, Deputy Director and Fellow, Wadhwani Chair in U.S.-India Policy Studies, CSIS
Closing and Lunch

Event Partners

Kartikeya Singh
Senior Associate (Non-resident), Energy Security and Climate Change Program and Chair in U.S.-India Policy Studies
Sarah Ladislaw

Sarah Ladislaw

Former Senior Associate (Non-resident), Energy Security and Climate Change Program