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The Zbigniew Brzezinski Annual Prize and Lecture

October 5, 2017 • 4:30 – 6:00 pm EDT

The Zbigniew Brzezinski Annual Prize honors the legacy of Dr. Brzezinski by recognizing and promoting the importance of geostrategic thinking with a transcending moral purpose.


2017 Prize Recipient

Joseph R. Biden Jr.
Former Vice President of the United States

4:30 p.m. — Registration

5:00 p.m.
Opening Remarks:
John J. Hamre
President and CEO, CSIS

Welcome Remarks:
William S. Cohen
Former U.S. Secretary of Defense and CSIS Trustee

Joseph R. Biden Jr.

The Zbigniew Brzezinski Annual Prize and Lecture was made possible by a generous endowment gift from the Smith Richardson Foundation. The Prize is awarded on a bipartisan basis. The inaugural winner was former U.S. Secretary of Defense Robert M. Gates, who was awarded the Prize on April 12, 2016.

The mission of the Brzezinski Institute on Geostrategy is to examine the unique interaction of history, geography, and strategy, with a goal of developing policy-relevant analysis and recommendations. Geostrategy incorporates both geopolitics and historically rooted impulses in the formulation of prescriptive long-term geostrategies. The Institute seeks to further the study of geostrategy and to develop a new generation of strategic policy thinkers in the United States and abroad.
Photo credit: Alex Wong/Getty Images

John J. Hamre
CSIS President and CEO, and Langone Chair in American Leadership