The U.S.-India State and Urban Initiative Announces a Historic Partnership between Utah and Rajasthan

WASHINGTON, August 29, 2019: The U.S.-India State and Urban Initiative, led by the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS), is pleased to announce a partnership between the Utah Governor's Office of Energy Development and the Energy Department of the state of Rajasthan. On August 26, the two states held a dialogue focused on emergent energy challenges and opportunities. State officials created a framework to bolster energy policy best practices sharing and support the development of the energy sector in both states.
The meeting was co-chaired by Mr. Naresh Pal Gangwar, Rajasthan’s principal secretary of energy. As the lead representative of the Rajasthan government, Mr. Gangwar stated that “while it is uncommon for states to forge these kinds of alliances, we are taking the leap in the spirit of collaboration and an understanding that as we navigate our energy transition, we can learn from and inform potential partners around the world.”  
The discussion focused on challenges and opportunities for collaboration between the two states, including renewable energy integration, power plant flexibility, transmission and distribution sector issues, energy storage, and electric mobility. Representatives of key private sector energy industries from Rajasthan were also present in the dialogue. 
Dr. Laura Nelson, energy advisor to the governor of Utah and the executive director of the Utah Governor's Office of Energy Development led the Utah delegation. In her concluding remarks to local press she explained, that “over the last four years, Utah has experienced a 150 percent growth in renewable energy in advancing affordable, reliable and clean power options for its thriving economy and high quality of life.  Given our states' shared interests in strengthening the grid while integrating new energy resources, our similar arid landscapes, and our unparalleled rich and diverse energy resources, there is much we can learn from, and partner on, creating a bright energy future for all." 
The dialogue concluded with the signing of the Utah-Rajasthan Energy Cooperation Agreement to: 1) advance state-level policy exchange around areas of utility and private sector markets to strengthen grid resilience through the integration of diverse renewable sources and technologies; 2) drive collaborative pathways for leading research institutions and organizations in Utah and Rajasthan to share emerging knowledge of innovative energy solutions; and 3) to develop direct ties between Utah and Rajasthan government agencies and private sector energy companies for creating new grid and off-grid energy availability and resilience through renewable energy, storage options, clean energy solutions, and transportation electrification.
Supported by the U.S. Department of State, the U.S.-India State and Urban Initiative is “breaking new ground in connecting U.S. and Indian states to dialogue about their shared fate in managing the energy transition,” stated Dr. Kartikeya Singh, senior fellow and deputy director of the Wadhwani Chair in U.S.-India Policy Studies and senior fellow of the Energy and National Security Program at CSIS. “Be it Salt Lake City or Jaipur, the energy transition is underway. The sooner we broaden the geography of innovation and learning between states, the better placed we’ll be to manage this transition effectively and create new economic opportunities for all.” For more information on the initiative, please contact Kartikeya Singh at