Bridi Rice

Bridi Rice is currently a senior associate with the Project on Fragility and Mobility and the Project on Prosperity and Development at CSIS. She was previously a Fulbright visiting fellow at CSIS. Bridi is from Australia and is CEO of the Development Intelligence Lab and cofounder of the Asia Pacific Development, Diplomacy and Defence Dialogue. She is a regular commentator on development and foreign policy in the Indo-Pacific and a trusted source of advice to the Australian development community. Bridi holds a master of politics, law degree, and arts degree and has worked in international development and foreign policy for 15 years, including as director at the Australian Council for International Development and as a senior public servant for the Attorney-General’s Department.
All Bridi Rice Content
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Addressing Fragility in Papua New Guinea
Brief by Erol Yayboke, Bridi Rice, Catherine Nzuki, and Anastasia Strouboulis — August 17, 2022
Will the U.S.-Australia Alliance Sprout a Development Dimension?
Commentary by Bridi Rice and Conor M. Savoy — July 21, 2022
The Case for a Globally Accepted Vulnerability Index
Commentary by Bridi Rice and Shannon McKeown — July 20, 2022
The United States and Allies Should Make a Big Offer to the Pacific Islands
Commentary by Daniel F. Runde and Bridi Rice — May 27, 2022