Joyce Bongongo is a research associate with the iDeas Lab at the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS), where she specializes in international business, trade, and investment policy, with an interest in U.S.-Africa economic relations. She has expertise in data source collection and analysis, workshop facilitation, and international agreement development. Joyce coauthored the original United Nations "Guide Pour le Plaidoyer des Jeunes" and accompanying tool kit, globally promoting African youth advocacy in key economic sectors for future sustainability. Her research portfolio includes the OECD Pillar Two and its private sector implications on green energy tax credits and U.S-Africa frameworks such as the Strategic Trade and Investment Partnership with Kenya, the African Growth and Opportunity Act, and physical infrastructure investment projects around the continent. Joyce holds a bachelor's degree in economic sciences, an LLB from the University of the Witwatersrand in South Africa, and an LLM from the American University Washington College of Law.
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A Strategic Framework for America in the Twenty-First Century
Report by John J. Hamre, Joyce Bongongo, Kate MacPhail, John Schaus, and Nina Tarr — September 17, 2024
Executive Summary: A Strategic Framework for America in the Twenty-First Century
Podcast Episode by John J. Hamre, Joyce Bongongo, Kate MacPhail, John Schaus, and Nina Tarr — September 17, 2024

IRA Incentives and Pillar Two
Report by Thibault Denamiel, Joyce Bongongo, and William Alan Reinsch — November 16, 2023
The U.S.-Kenya STIP in Light of Other Approaches to Trade with Africa
Critical Questions by William Alan Reinsch and Joyce Bongongo — July 27, 2023