Larry Goldstein

Senior Associate (Non-resident), Energy Security and Climate Change Program
Larry Goldstein

Larry J. Goldstein, former president of the Petroleum Industry Research Foundation (PIRINC), is a trustee with the Energy Policy Research Foundation (EPRINC), where he also serves as director of special projects. He has extensive advisory relationships with energy companies, research institutes, and government agencies. He has testified before numerous congressional committees and regulatory bodies and has been appointed to the National Petroleum Council (NPC) by every recent U.S. secretary of energy. He has briefed the chairman of the Federal Reserve Board, senior officials at the Government Accountability Office, and a wide range of government agencies on developments in domestic and world petroleum markets. He has also served as consultant to the Iraq Coalition Provisional Authority. He was a founder and president of the PIRA Energy Group, an energy consulting firm that is currently retained by nearly 400 companies. Mr. Goldstein is an internationally recognized authority on petroleum markets.