Lina Benabdallah is associate professor of politics and international affairs at Wake Forest University. She is the author of Shaping the Future of Power: Knowledge Production and Network-Building in China-Africa Relations (University of Michigan Press, 2020). Her research has appeared in International Studies Quarterly, International Studies Review, the Journal of International Relations and Development, Third World Quarterly, African Studies Quarterly, and the Project on Middle East Political Science, as well as in public-facing outlets such as Foreign Affairs, the Washington Post’s Monkey Cage, and Foreign Policy. In the 2023–2024 academic year, Dr. Benabdallah was as a visiting fellow at Harvard University’s Center for African Studies and is currently serving as a coeditor of PS: Political Science and Politics.
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What to Watch in Sub-Saharan Africa in 2021
Commentary by Yemi Adamolekun, Lina Benabdallah, and Will Brown, Maria E. Burnett, Emilia Columbo, Mvemba Phezo Dizolele, Hilary Matfess, Rafiq Raji, Jon Temin, Laird Treiber, Judd Devermont, Marielle Harris, Kyle Murphy — January 12, 2021
How Beijing Courts African Partners
Podcast Episode by Lina Benabdallah and Judd Devermont — September 3, 2020