Adam Havey, Emergent BioSolutions: “Lead with the facts.”
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Adam Havey, Executive VP, Emergent BioSolutions, speaks to the “great unwinding” with the end of the Public Health Emergency, including the outstanding work to bring about adequate sustained funding for preparedness capabilities. To keep long-term bipartisan investment front and center, “lead with the facts.” 8 in 10 voters favor government action. There were several hard lessons at the Bayview facility in Baltimore, where over 500 million Covid vaccine doses were contaminated. How do we rebalance the Strategic National Stockpile? Over-the counter sale of Narcan (naloxone spray, used to reverse opioid overdoses) will face several challenges but overall be a net positive. The Pandemic All-Hazards Preparedness Act (PAHPA) will be critical to predictable funding, strengthened ties with industry, and workforce development.