Dr. Ashish Jha, the White House Covid Response Coordinator: Pandemic wartime is over, the “great unwinding” is fully on.

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Dr. Ashish Jha, the White House Covid Response Coordinator, speaks to the “great unwinding” of the $4.6 trillion pandemic wartime transformation of America into a temporary social democracy. As we rush to the exits, are we emerging stronger? We do see huge turnover of public health leadership across the country, a real loss. We also see that cities and states, the front lines, have “learned a ton” about Test to Treat, mass vaccination. Will we transition out of this “collective trauma” of anger and “amnesia?” How will this pandemic transform public health itself? The White House is to stand up a new office to lead pandemic preparedness, at a time when U.S. scientific and public health leadership is depleted. What can we realistically expect?  As he prepares to exit, what has Dr. Jha learned in the past year?