Coronavirus Crisis Update: Dr. Jonathan (Jono) Quick – Transcending Pandemic Denial, Fatigue and Anger

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In this episode, Jono Quick opens with a sweeping overview of the history of faulty responses to pandemics -- why we “descend into the valley of complacency” so often? What are the essential steps to take now, modeled perhaps after the 9/11 Commission, to remember this profound moment? How do we transcend our divisions, borne of pandemic denial, pandemic fatigue and pandemic anger? He also illuminates the $100m Rockefeller Foundation swift and highly ambitious initiative to press for a national approach on test and trace in the United States. Followed now by the $1 billion three-year Rockefeller Foundation campaign, just unveiled, to catalyze a more inclusive, equitable green recovery from the Covid-19 pandemic. 

Dr. Jonathan (Jono) Quick is the Managing Director for Pandemic Response, Preparedness and Prevention at the Rockefeller Foundation. From 2004-2017, he was President and CEO of Management Sciences for Health (MSH).