Beyond Trade: The Costs and Consequences of Exiting NAFTA
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Featuring: Richard Miles
Listen as the timely and relevant discussion on geostrategic consequences of the U.S. exiting NAFTA. Since the presidential campaign, President Donald Trump has been seeking a renegotiation of the trade deal, arguing that the U.S. trade deficit with Mexico is the culprit of American job losses and that NAFTA was the worst trade deal ever signed by the U.S. Negotiations between the three countries began in the summer of 2017 and are set to continue into early 2018. The U.S. is threatening to withdraw from NAFTA if the Administration’s demands are unmet.
Chair and CEO, Hills & Company International Consultants, and Senior Counselor, Albright Stonebridge Group
Senior Fellow, Project on Prosperity and Development, Project on U.S. Leadership in Development