Prioritizing Primary Care in a Global Pandemic

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In this episode of Pandemic Planet we speak with Asaf Bitton, Executive Director at Ariadne Labs and a member of the CSIS Commission Strengthening America’s Health Security. Asaf Bitton is a practicing primary care physician, a researcher and professor, and a leader in health system innovation. We discuss the vital role of primary health care in creating a healthier, more equitable, and safer world. Why do strong health systems remain an elusive goal despite decades of international commitment? How has the global pandemic impacted routine health services worldwide and what will be the long-term cost? How can accessible primary care services help identify and respond to emerging threats to global health security?

If you’d like to find out your place in the Covid-19 vaccine line (ranked out of 100), you can find the vaccine tool that Ariadne Labs co-created here.
Katherine E. Bliss
Senior Fellow and Director, Immunizations and Health Systems Resilience, Global Health Policy Center