Africa Notes Archive: The Cold War in Africa
1 - To Demystify and Unsimplify
2 - A Conversation with Sékou Touré
8 - The Politics of Survival - UNITA in Angola
12 - The Shared Tactical Goals of South Africa and the Soviet Union
17 - The Eagleburger Contribution
27 - New Trends in Soviet Policy Toward Africa
28 - The IMF and Africa - Kenya
40 - Can Ethiopia Survive Both Communism and The Drought
46 - What Does the Case of Mozambique Tell Us About Soviet Ambivalence Toward Africa
55 - Moscow and Africa - a 1986 Balance Sheet
63 - The Nonaligned Summit - Behind the Rhetoric
70 - Cuba and Angola
72 - Four Soviet Views of Africa
75 - U.S. Military Assistance to Africa
80 - Cuba and Mozambique
81 - Pretoria’s Nuclear Diplomacy
84 - Sino-African Relations in the 1990s
89 - A 1988 Update on Soviet Relations with Pretoria, the ANC, and the SACP
98 - If the Cold War is Over in Africa Will the United States Still Care
103 - Keeping Namibian Independence on Track - The Cuban Factor
112 - Soviet Assistance to Africa - The New Realities
116 - A Soviet Analyst’s View of Angola’s Relevance in the 1990s
123 - New Soviet Priorities in Africa
134 - Russia’s Third Discovery of Africa
139 - Is Democracy Achievable in Russia and/or South Africa
140 - Russia’s Arms Sales to Africa - Past Present and Future